Can we eradicate human trafficking?

According to the European Commission, over 10,000 victims of human trafficking were registered in the European Union in 2022. A majority of these individuals were female (63%) and non-EU citizens (60%), trafficked primarily for sexual exploitation and forced labor/services (around 40% each). Around 20% of them were trafficked for organ removal and other purposes.
This data is both disturbing and shocking, hinting at a much higher actual number of victims within the EU — a figure that skyrockets when considering the global scale of this crime.
The urgent need to combat and potentially eradicate this atrocity was the focal point of a conference titled "The Role of Churches and Faith-Based Organisations in Fighting Trafficking in Human Beings," held at the European Parliament on Wednesday, February 14, 2024.
Organized by the Commission of the Bishops' Conferences of the European Union (COMECE) and the Santa Marta Group, this event underscored the pivotal role of Churches and faith-based organisations in this battle.
Keynote speaker Kevin Hyland, Strategic Director of the Santa Marta Group, emphasised the grim reality of human slavery financing the operations of criminal networks, which further fuels trafficking and other illicit activities.
Ivonne van de Kar, Co-President of Religious in Europe Networking Against Trafficking and Exploitation (RENATE), called on citizens and businesses to be aware of human trafficking, fighting for supply chains that are free of labour exploitation.
COMECE firmly believes that human trafficking can be defeated through the sustained efforts of all societal sectors. "The long-term commitment of all social, economic, religious, cultural and political actors can lead to winning this battle!"
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